• A blend of botanical extracts and vitamins.
  • Reduces grease trap pumping to once every 18 months.
  • Revitalizes existing microbes to perform at optimum conditions.
  • Reduces flies by eliminating rancid fat, oil and grease (“FOG”).
  • Eliminates odors by changing the environment.
  • Special wetting agents remove waste from pipes and tanks.
  • Bio-based, all-natural, no VOC’s, biodegradable and non-toxic.

Grease traps are designed to reduce the amount of solid waste (oil, grease, food waste) from entering the sewer drains. Detergents, hot water and enzyme-based products can reduce the ability of the trap to capture the waste and therefore release it into the sewer. The waste re-solidifies later and causes major problems. Additionally, the formation of a grease cap in the grease trap encourages anaerobic activity which creates foul odors and attracts pests.

The accumulation of FOG and food waste build-up reduces the amount of water that can pass through the system. Enough FOG and food waste may block the pipe completely, preventing the water from passing through and causing stagnation. Animal and vegetable-based FOG are more difficult to treat because of their poor solubility in water and their tendency to separate from the liquid solution. This will create odors and attract flies and other pests. Five Star Grease Trap BusterTM will eliminate these problems and reduce pumping to a minimum of 18-month intervals.

Technology Profile
Five Star Grease Trap Buster™ utilizes Floratec Technology, which is based on the principle of using all-natural vitamins and essential minerals with existing microbes and enzymes in grease traps to revitalize dead or sluggish bacterial systems. Other methods, such as adding more enzymes and microbes, only make the situation worse because it only induces malnutrition to the existing bacterial systems. The reason it induces malnutrition is because the present and newly-added microbes compete for the existing vitamins and minerals. Microbial-based products do not promote growth and require multiple applications to break down the organic matter because the foreign bacteria cannot function in harsh conditions created by the use of household chemicals such as bleaches, detergents, anti-bacterial soaps and other chemicals. Vitamins and minerals are essential because, once the microbes become sluggish or stop working, it re-stimulates and enhances the whole system so digestion and efficiency is increased and maximized.

Grease Trap Buster MSDS

Grease Trap Buster